Developing an innovative mindset through critical and creative thinking activities and resources.
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The Shark Tank Innovator program...

#innovative mindset | #kids off devices| #creative thinking | #reconnect with kids | #future skills | #inspire 

Stella is an experienced secondary and tertiary educator who has worked in Australia and overseas. Her areas of interest include online learning design and development, and teaching creativity innovation and entrepreneurship to young people. She recently completed her doctorate in innovation and critical and creative thinking skills focused on pre-service teachers.
Stella bachtis
Andrew Bensley is heavily involved in entrepreneurship and is an industry expert in the field of marketing for start-ups for a global audience. Andrew is an award-winning innovation and marketing expert having worked on brands such as Volkswagen, Wrigley’s, Budweiser, Lucasfilm and Sony.
Andrew Bensley
Anton is a serial entrepreneur having founded, grown, and harvested a number of businesses in the education sector. He has 30 years’ experience delivering courses at postgraduate level, and to corporate clients in Entrepreneurship, Venture Creation, Project Management and Accounting in Australia, Africa, Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle-East. 
Anton Jordaan
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